Friday, August 13, 2010

perspective on compassion

i have come to the realization that the old expression 'do unto others' truly serves to be more applicable as you get older. the relationships you build with both acquaintances and lifelong friends are determined by the way you show respect for one another. i have had many encounters with people that i would have never thought to see more than once, but after building that compassionate first impression, you can hold onto those people your whole life. realizing the impact of how you treat others, regardless of the way you are treated, allows you to stand out from the rest. with the painful experience of losing friends over petty drama, i have been able to develop a comfort level with independent thoughts and the confidence to know that i deserve better. i am so grateful for life changing moments like these, even if it means experiencing unbearable pain of being hurt by someone you care about. overcoming hardships can only make you stronger and more appreciative for those in your life who will always show compassion.

1 comment:

  1. Those are the words of truth. Remember the beautiful email I sent to you recently of "the train ride we take in life?" Some of the people on the train we are on will only be with us for a moment, while others will be with us for a long time. Whether we share only moments or years we touch each others lives sometimes in small ways or huge ways but always for a purpose.
